Wednesday, December 24, 2008

In 2009.... Give Something Above And Beyond What Is Expected of You!!!

If you want to become and incredible success at your job, business, in school, or in life, do more than is required of you! Give or do something unexpected, give something extra and do more than is required. If you go the extra mile you earn the respect, honor, and referral base of your customers.

Why should you give the extra effort without pay or recognition? In your heart you must know that your extra efforts are paying off. The cream will always rise to the top. An impeccable reputation will be yours which is such an incredible asset to have!

How can you go the extra mile in your job or business? Here are some examples:
1. You sell a house and when the new owner moves in she discovers a bottle of wine and a gift certificate to the local bed and bath store.
2. Someone contacts you about moving to your area and you provide them with an ample amount of details and contact info regarding the area and amenities.
3. You accomodate a client by showing them a house at 10pm at night because they are leaving early the next morning.
4. You bring pizza for the title company crew for lunch because they always go the extra mile for you and you always appreciate that.
5. You mentor an individual who is up an coming in your industry. Giving back always brings you more.
6. As an employeee you do all of your own work and always take on new responsibilities. You go the extra mile and work on yoru day off when another employee calls in sick. You see something that needs to be done and act on it before being told to do it.

What are you going to do to go the extra mile and give more value to your customers and boss? Suprise people with more than they exspect. Until next time...

Pete Olsen
Rent To Own Homes, LLC

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